Former military pede:
Marines not saluting when Biden walks in is to me the biggest most telling thing of all. Those guys are highly vetted and would be out on their ass so fast it would make their head spin if they were trying to make a personal statement by not saluting. If we continue to see this trend then something is going on.
Marines are under the direct control of the President, that's why they were created. Them not saluting is a 100% tell that they don't see him as President.
It's all playing out and hopefully it will end soon, we're all a pucker factor 1000
Well, Marines were created to provide support on ships, which developed into ship boarding and then amphibious assaults. That's why our Marines Corps was created too, not as some supposed POTUS body guard. However, over the years Marines have been more utilized for the purpose of added security for POTUS and the WH. The reason being is that there are less statutory laws restricting the control over and capabilities of Marines (Navy) than the other branches... for instance, the Posse Comitatus Act doesn't apply to the Navy or Coast Guard
Marines are within the Department of the Navy, as are the SEALs. You might be thinking of the Army Rangers?
Technically the Air Force was created from within the Army. Originally it was the Army Air Corps. And I believe Space Force falls under this department chain. Constitution specifies only the creation of the Army and Navy (granted, the Framers never envisioned an air force...) so to be irrefutablly sound under the Constitution, the branches must trace their creation through either the Army or Navy.
Joint Chiefs are simply advisors to POTUS and nothing more.
Former military pede: Marines not saluting when Biden walks in is to me the biggest most telling thing of all. Those guys are highly vetted and would be out on their ass so fast it would make their head spin if they were trying to make a personal statement by not saluting. If we continue to see this trend then something is going on.
Marines are under the direct control of the President, that's why they were created. Them not saluting is a 100% tell that they don't see him as President. It's all playing out and hopefully it will end soon, we're all a pucker factor 1000
Well, Marines were created to provide support on ships, which developed into ship boarding and then amphibious assaults. That's why our Marines Corps was created too, not as some supposed POTUS body guard. However, over the years Marines have been more utilized for the purpose of added security for POTUS and the WH. The reason being is that there are less statutory laws restricting the control over and capabilities of Marines (Navy) than the other branches... for instance, the Posse Comitatus Act doesn't apply to the Navy or Coast Guard
Forgive me if I'm mistaken ... but marines are not part of the Navy. They are part of the Army. The division is as follows:
all of which report to the DOD along with the NG and CG. DOD reports to POTUS (CiC).
The Marine Corps are under the Department of the Navy
Marines are within the Department of the Navy, as are the SEALs. You might be thinking of the Army Rangers?
Technically the Air Force was created from within the Army. Originally it was the Army Air Corps. And I believe Space Force falls under this department chain. Constitution specifies only the creation of the Army and Navy (granted, the Framers never envisioned an air force...) so to be irrefutablly sound under the Constitution, the branches must trace their creation through either the Army or Navy.
Joint Chiefs are simply advisors to POTUS and nothing more.