If the evidence were presented in the SCOTUS, interested, research-oriented Americans would pay attention and some would tune in. A few interested foreigners would follow the SCOTUS proceedings.
But the second trial of Donald John Trump in the United States Senate will be riveting for much of the industrial world. Many millions will be glued to the proceedings. They will follow it day by day as the horrors of the cabal are revealed.
And the incredibly stupid people who are sponsoring this great world circus don't even realize what an immense favor they are doing us. President Trump gets discovery. He can lead the trial into all the election crimes and the Biden family crimes. Those touch on the DNC and the Clintons and thence to U1 and the Awan spy-ring-in-Congress scandal, CIA drug trafficking and the Mina airport. It all will be revealed with a worldwide audience.
It's the firecracker in their ridiculous house of crime cards. The whole thing gets blown off the table.
The criminal class is in for a rough February. It's going to be something to watch. Stock up on popcorn early, there's going to be a run on the grocery stores.
Mark Meadows I believe.