posted ago by Lurking_Waiting ago by Lurking_Waiting +130 / -2

My level of this job seems to be on hold like many of us. 4 years of speaking out and helping wake people up. Now we get to watch. It's in the hands of the military now. Migrated from board. Banned and taunted by normies. We now get told to wait. Keep posting those booms. Keep waking people up. Already have planned and prep'd for the final act of this movie. I am going to start preparing for when this war is over. This Community is fun and I will still read things, but the shills are just not as organized anymore. The death rattle of them doesn't interest me. True king of England coming. True POTUS will be in place. Lucifer will be locked away. Thank you for the Hopium. Off to start my life over again. I will continue shitposting in memory of the great meme war we fought. I will be there for the victory party. It's been many years. So, to sum it up. Time to prepare for the next phase. If anyone figures out the riddle of why POTUS said he would always capitialize the c in country. Love to hear it. See you guys in a few months