A belief that like white light breaks into 7 colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) so too does the totality of the multi-verse. This also is the same concept of the 7 chakras or energy centers in the body, allowing chi or life force to flow freely). Red is the first density, and a first density being would live many lifetimes as plants, learning to reach for the light but with very little control over their world. After many lifetimes and graduating to 2nd density, a soul lives many lifetimes as different types of animals with more control over themselves but little control over their reality and no abstract thoughts. 3rd density is the one we are in right now, characterized by abstract though. We live as every race, ethnicity, nationality, income level and more to learn from every perspective. Once we have reached enlightenment, we go to the 4th density which is where we know as the dream world. There you have an increased level of control over reality able to control things to a limited extent with your mind. After graduating 4th density, one ceases to be made of physical matter and becomes pure light energy, able to create and control their reality with thought alone, exist in multiple “bodies” simultaneously and teleport. 6th density is where cultures come together as a hive mind, each with their own consciousness but with each having the total collective knowledge of all members of the collective. To be honest, I don’t fully get 7th density but after that you are ready to either return to be one with source (God) or start the cycle over again from 1st density in the “next octave” up
7 Densities ?
A belief that like white light breaks into 7 colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) so too does the totality of the multi-verse. This also is the same concept of the 7 chakras or energy centers in the body, allowing chi or life force to flow freely). Red is the first density, and a first density being would live many lifetimes as plants, learning to reach for the light but with very little control over their world. After many lifetimes and graduating to 2nd density, a soul lives many lifetimes as different types of animals with more control over themselves but little control over their reality and no abstract thoughts. 3rd density is the one we are in right now, characterized by abstract though. We live as every race, ethnicity, nationality, income level and more to learn from every perspective. Once we have reached enlightenment, we go to the 4th density which is where we know as the dream world. There you have an increased level of control over reality able to control things to a limited extent with your mind. After graduating 4th density, one ceases to be made of physical matter and becomes pure light energy, able to create and control their reality with thought alone, exist in multiple “bodies” simultaneously and teleport. 6th density is where cultures come together as a hive mind, each with their own consciousness but with each having the total collective knowledge of all members of the collective. To be honest, I don’t fully get 7th density but after that you are ready to either return to be one with source (God) or start the cycle over again from 1st density in the “next octave” up