Hello my fellow patriots. I know this is something that seems to be accepted but I saw some debate about it earlier today. I have done research on this and came across this website and the person has done some really great research on it and provides a sufficient amount of evidence and references: https://write-aholic.com/why-didnt-biden-get-a-presidential-battery-salute/
Biden did not receive a Presidential 21-gun salute.
From my own findings here is what I found that I didn't see in the article above: During ceremonies, the platoon fires 3-inch antitank guns mounted on a 105-mm howitzer chassis. Three-man crews, consisting of a watchman (time keeper), loader and gunner, fire at intervals from three to eight seconds, depending on the type of ceremony. from: https://home.army.mil/jbmhh/index.php/teamJBMHH/units-tenants/TOG/presidential-salute-battery
Only two were fired for Biden. The intervals were not 3-8 seconds. That was not a standard Presidential 21 Gun Salute.
Dude, interval IS important.
It is supposed to be 3 second unless.... And none of the "unless" apply, and certainly not for a presidential 21 gun salute!
MSM is labeling that 3 gun (2 used, 1 as back up) video as the 21 gun salute by starting it right as they begin and hoping you assume the first 11 shots were cut off, but the incorrect timing and incorrect number of guns is a dead giveaway.
For more info, check out this comment I left in the same thread comparing previous presidents
So I've finished up looking into this. Here is the simple to follow conclusion (trust me):
1: Every single President (except Biden) received a 21 gun salute IMMEDIATELY following their oath - Link to comment
2: The Presidential 21 gun salute is in a 3+1 gun configuration (three guns fire, one extra is reserved in case of failure), fired at 3 second intervals
3: 21 gun salutes are also given to foreign dignitaries - Table 3-1
4: Foreign dignitaries, such as Jordan's Secretary of Defense received one when visiting Arlington National Cemetary
5: As seen previous, that 21 gun salute was performed with a 2+1 gun configuration, with 9 second intervals
6: Biden visiting Arlington National Cemetery was the only salute he received
7: That salute was a 2+1 gun configuration, with 9 second intervals, same as with a visiting foreign dignitary
8: When Obama visited the Arlington National Cemetery, he receive the Presidential 3+1 configuration, with 3 second intervals
Ergo Ipso Facto, Biden was not recognized, and therefore not saluted as the United States President at the 'inauguration', and was received at Arlington National Cemetery as though he were a foreign dignitary.
Here is what it looks like when they misfire. 6:30 mark in GHWB funeral 21 gun salute:
Just because you find some regs does not mean you've found all the regs. Those things are nested like onions and absence of evidence is not evidence of absence - it's not evidence that no additional guidelines exist.
Find me cases of foreign dignitaries arriving at Arlington receiving 3+1@3sec and I'll reconsider. Find me a POTUS other than Biden receiving a 2+1@9sec and I'll reconsider.
My position is falsifiable, but I could not do so and it's not incumbent on me to disprove a negative. I'm at my investigitorial limits so if you want more it's on your head now. For the time being, it best fits the available facts and I await others to do legwork to find the inconsistencies that your alternative interpretation would result in.
Our positions are falsifiable. He can do the legwork to find examples of inconsistencies if he wants, it's not incumbent on us to disprove a negative.