Hello my fellow patriots. I know this is something that seems to be accepted but I saw some debate about it earlier today. I have done research on this and came across this website and the person has done some really great research on it and provides a sufficient amount of evidence and references: https://write-aholic.com/why-didnt-biden-get-a-presidential-battery-salute/
Biden did not receive a Presidential 21-gun salute.
From my own findings here is what I found that I didn't see in the article above: During ceremonies, the platoon fires 3-inch antitank guns mounted on a 105-mm howitzer chassis. Three-man crews, consisting of a watchman (time keeper), loader and gunner, fire at intervals from three to eight seconds, depending on the type of ceremony. from: https://home.army.mil/jbmhh/index.php/teamJBMHH/units-tenants/TOG/presidential-salute-battery
Only two were fired for Biden. The intervals were not 3-8 seconds. That was not a standard Presidential 21 Gun Salute.
Just a thought that makes a lot of sense. Suppose that because of the location they only had 3 guns available or able to fit where they were located. So they have 1 gun assigned for backup in case one fails. Because there are only 2 guns being used they couldn't fire in the normal 3 second interval because they had to have time to load so the interval was longer. Then as far as the number of shots fired I don't know since most of the footage is incomplete.
They used every single gun during trumps innaug. They do not need a backup gun. They fired at extremely long intervals in purpose.