Notice the SOTA post says "during this transition of power". This was posted yesterday, how are we still in some kind of transition? Biden has been sworn in, he is in power now, or is he?
Inauguration was illegal (taped, State of Emergency) Pentagon is treating him like a foreign dignitary and are refusing to allow him or his staff inside the Pentagon.
"transition of power" but never "to the Biden administration" or simply saying the inauguration of a new president or president Biden, they keep using these vague statements with almost no mention of Joe. The frequency and consistency of this is definitely deliberate in my opinion, there's no good reason to keep putting out this fog of war unless there's still a war being fought...
Notice the SOTA post says "during this transition of power". This was posted yesterday, how are we still in some kind of transition? Biden has been sworn in, he is in power now, or is he?
Link to the FB post:
Inauguration was illegal (taped, State of Emergency) Pentagon is treating him like a foreign dignitary and are refusing to allow him or his staff inside the Pentagon.
Is this still ongoing? Any sauce on it?
Yes, Lloyd Austin.
Yes, and congress>senate>potus had to sign a Bill to allow him.
I thought they allowed his sec of defense in?
Yes, same sitch as Mattis.
Ooh still? Wow.
So does it look like he’s President?? No!
"transition of power" but never "to the Biden administration" or simply saying the inauguration of a new president or president Biden, they keep using these vague statements with almost no mention of Joe. The frequency and consistency of this is definitely deliberate in my opinion, there's no good reason to keep putting out this fog of war unless there's still a war being fought...