From what I have pieced together, the whole plan took decades to come to fruition.
In 1801 organic act of DC had been passed first, but DC was still being ruled under Maryland constitution. But 1871 organic act consolidated the land for DC, put it all into one corporation and gave a corporate constitution.
However this by itself doesn't mean anything. There were events further on, including the formation of Federal Reserve, IRS, Social Security act etc along the way which finalized the transfer of power from USA (Unincorporates) to USA (Incorporated).
From what I have pieced together, the whole plan took decades to come to fruition.
In 1801 organic act of DC had been passed first, but DC was still being ruled under Maryland constitution. But 1871 organic act consolidated the land for DC, put it all into one corporation and gave a corporate constitution.
However this by itself doesn't mean anything. There were events further on, including the formation of Federal Reserve, IRS, Social Security act etc along the way which finalized the transfer of power from USA (Unincorporates) to USA (Incorporated).