The VA is rolling out a new medical messaging program to replace MyHealthEVet. It is being tested at the Spokane VA. It was started late last year. FACTS: They forced us to use this new system. ALL DATA FROM EVET WAS WIPED. No messages, access to records, etc. GONE!! Log into the new system... NO DATA, MESSAGING HISTORY... A BLANK NEW SYSTEM. Ok, so let's send a message to my doctor...hmmm I NEED TO KNOW THE FIRST NAME OF MY DOCTOR?? NO pull down menu of my team. Nothing. Question: Which 3rd grade child designed this software? Now that is the patient interface. The internal workings of the hospital is now a shit show! I cannot tell it all here! VETS: GET YOUR RECORDS IN ORDER. WE ARE BEING TESTED HERE NOW. FOLLOW UP: The Commnity Care Act allowed the vets to choice out their primary care. Then Congress passed an adjustment to keep vets in the VA if the hospital had space and could hire more docs. Now COVID is the EXCUSE that docs are out sick and refuse choice out for primary care. CATCH 22 VA STYLE. This Salty Pariot will expose this shit. I had to threaten malpractice to get a doc to call me. Then ha begged me to not come in... COVID IS SO BAD!! FYI RISING POSTS MAY NOT COVERING THIS. BUGS IN THE SYSTEM...
Also this VA hospital is the one that spawned the DIRECTOR that killed vets in Phoenix. Remember the scheduling FIASCO.
"Remember when obongo spent millions ^^hiring Michelle 0bama's personal friend in a no bid contract to produce^^ the shittiest website ever for his bullshit healthcare nonsense. lmao."
Worked at the VA. They turned the place upside down to institute some new protocol only to find out a year or two later it didn't work. Then they turned the place upside down again in order to return to the system they started with. I was there for several patient call-in interface systems that were eventually scrapped. There was a lot of dead bureaucratic weight that had to justify their paychecks - none of which in the end did anything to improve patient care. In actuality, many of the changes some pencil pusher initiated hurt the very people they claimed to help.