This may be a flimsy theory but I was just thinking, what if "standing" is just a red herring?
Is it possible that due to the influence of a foreign power in this case, the issue isn't that the plaintiffs in the case lack standing, but that the courts themselves lack jurisdiction?
Q always said the military was the only way--is it possible that military courts are the only way too when election fraud involves foreign actors?
Life’s a bitch. Do something about it. Move, fix your local government, or ignore them and go on with your life. Whining and complaining someone else doesn’t help you is not the answer.
and telling us to sit on our ass and wait instead of pushing against the hold the line message is real productive. Everything offered here is complacent and is too long to wait. We have tried working within the system here and it keeps getting shot down by our Governor. If you haven’t seen and heard how hard we are working I suggest you do some research! This is not about my whining, complaining. What are you doing to help besides shooting down those that don’t see the wait and see as productive? I’ll be waiting
No one ever told you to sit on your ass. In fact, I am old enough to remember telling you to do something about it and giving suggestions. Cool your tits and get off your ass, I’m not the one you should be mad at.
Yeah well kiss it! I don’t need your ? what I, and many others need is true hope that our America will be saved AND SOON! Not next election, we know those are rigged. Not waiting for how ever many months that it takes for some savior that is letting us twist in the wind. And that includes all the theories thrown out here. Just because some of us have had enough of nobody actually doing anything except talk doesn’t mean we are whining. What it means is we are losing hope. If you can’t handle our cries for justice in a world of corruption that one person cant fight them you’re deaf, dumb and blind. So tell me Mr Getoffyourassanddosometing, what are we waiting for? What is Trump waiting for? What is the military waiting for? Give me the line in the sand that has to happen where some one saves us? Because We’ve heard all the platitudes. You’re no better than the left. A keyboard warrior while we are forced to take vaccines, and lose our jobs, lose our faith in God and our kids are lost to this madness! Give us something that says justice! I come here every day for hours and it’s always the same - look a shiny that indicates the white hats are in charge. It depressing day after day to see nothing that actually moves us closer to saving America from communism. We’ve had out hope for a year. Can’t you understand we need something?
I understand why you’re upset but there is almost nothing I can do about Michigan.
As far as what I do in Oklahoma, I do what I can. I go to work. I don’t wear a mask. I write my congressmen, senators, and governor. I am in a like minded political group that is active. I attend protests. I talk to as many people as I can to educate them on what the media is lying about or just not talking about. I do not bow down to anyone, ever. I get off my ass and do everything I can. I would like to do more, but I legally can’t.
You seem to want everyone to do everything for you. Have you even tried to do anything? My point is that you have to help yourself and speak up or no one will care. Be a thorn in your horrible governor’s side. Stand up to all the bullshit going on in your community. Support politicians in your city or county that have the right ideas. Do something other than complaining on the internet that I haven’t helped you.