Ha-Ha... You're longing for a little bit of "Wild West"? Maybe I can help; here are some features found in Texas: The Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo is the largest in the world: [https://www.rodeohouston.com/] It begins with a parade and a huge barbeque cookoff to welcome 3,000+ trail riders arriving after long journeys of up to 2 weeks. These horseback riders are part of the old tradition of trail rides, including covered wagons and wagon bosses.
During the rash of historical statues being torn down across the country there was a threat from BLM protesters planning to come to Huntsville to tear down our (giant) statue of Sam Houston. Texans quickly mobilized and responded, including the promise of “an entire state of hunters who never miss… from up a tree… at 4am… in the dark.” Not one protester showed up. You have to read the story directly to enjoy the full flavor: [https://www.breitbart.com/border/2020/07/09/some-threaten-lethal-force-to-protect-texas-monument-amid-rumors-of-blm-protest/]
People in Texas often wear cowboy boots year-round and many of us own more boots than tennis shoes. A girl’s wardrobe always includes jeans, lots of them; and there’s only one way to wear jeans—tight! I’ve owned guns all my life. I learned to shoot before I started First Grade (and I’m a girl ?). I can assure you it will be a cold day in Hell before anyone takes our guns. Also, the out-of-control government is delusional if they don't believe Texas would secede if necessary. So that’s a little insight. If this is Wild West enough for you; and for anyone else who’s interested, y'all are welcome in Texas!
Ha-Ha... You're longing for a little bit of "Wild West"? Maybe I can help; here are some features found in Texas: The Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo is the largest in the world: [https://www.rodeohouston.com/] It begins with a parade and a huge barbeque cookoff to welcome 3,000+ trail riders arriving after long journeys of up to 2 weeks. These horseback riders are part of the old tradition of trail rides, including covered wagons and wagon bosses.
During the rash of historical statues being torn down across the country there was a threat from BLM protesters planning to come to Huntsville to tear down our (giant) statue of Sam Houston. Texans quickly mobilized and responded, including the promise of “an entire state of hunters who never miss… from up a tree… at 4am… in the dark.” Not one protester showed up. You have to read the story directly to enjoy the full flavor: [https://www.breitbart.com/border/2020/07/09/some-threaten-lethal-force-to-protect-texas-monument-amid-rumors-of-blm-protest/]
People in Texas often wear cowboy boots year-round and many of us own more boots than tennis shoes. A girl’s wardrobe always includes jeans, lots of them; and there’s only one way to wear jeans—tight! I’ve owned guns all my life. I learned to shoot before I started First Grade (and I’m a girl ?). I can assure you it will be a cold day in Hell before anyone takes our guns. Also, the out-of-control government is delusional if they don't believe Texas would secede if necessary. So that’s a little insight. If this is Wild West enough for you; and for anyone else who’s interested, y'all are welcome in Texas!