Almost all of my “friends” are anti-trump liberals... and they’ll post memes about punching “nazis” (trump supporters), and in the same breath, will post a meme about a new treatment for pedophiles... a pill bottle full of bullets. I’ve seen it a thousand times.
The powers that be TRIED to sneak pedophilia into the LGBTQ movement, and they absolutely rejected it and it made them sick.
This is what unites us. “Expose” the pedophiles. I say “expose” because they’re already exposed. But so few of them know the actual claims of Pizzagate, Hollywood, NXIVM, the Podesta’s, etc. this is weak point of the Deep State.
Hit hard, and hit often.
The debunks I have seen are of the type of, " its too ridiculous to be true" , some one else say, therfore its false. Its not believable sonits false. There is more definitive proof that it is real. Don't listen to fact checker. We know they are bought and paid for. Have you seen the comet pingpong on podestas e-mail. That should send you right to Isaac kappy? That should send you straight down the rabbithole. That shit is real. These people are sick.