They were surprised when I said I had no plans to get the vaccine. They asked, "what if it were mandatory?" And I said, "then we'd have to have a serious conversation about that." The subject was changed quickly to something more light-hearted. But it seems like they're at least considering mandating a vaccine in order to work at this office. And if they do decide that, they'll be looking for a new manager for their shipping department.
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You did the smart thing.
Don't agree to get it, they can use it against you.
More importantly, don't give them an ultimatum like "If you do X I will get it." Trust me, if you give them an ultimatum you can no longer sue.
Just say "I don't feel like it will help me" and nothing else. If they argue, just repeat the line until they get tired and leave. Don't explain yourself, and don't mention anything about studies or the news, they will use that against you.
If you do all this, and they fire you for not getting the vaccine, you can sue.
I don't think he means it makes you conspiracy theorist... I think it's for legal posturing. He sounds like a lawfag. ;)
Violates your religious beliefs could be a good one. I mean seriously ... injecting aborted baby parts into your body ?