I just talked to a buddy of mine who does admin in an Army JAG unit and he said the lawyers have been working overtime processing orders this last week. He's in the southeast. Does anyone know anything about this? Georgia/Florida area.
Edit: We were just catching up tonight and he mentioned how busy work was for the past week assisting with travel orders. When I asked more about it he shut up. I didn't press for more info even though we're good buddy's because we were talking on our cell phones and he immediately got nervous. It got me wondering if this is connected to anything.
I posted one on a planefag thread just in case.
I saw another one a few days ago and know it was a single Blackhawk but didn't pay attention to the direction. The other couple of times I wasn't able to get outside and look. First time it happened I was on the shitter so I didn't get outside, but holy crap was in loud. They must have been low and right over my house or it wasn't a Blackhawk it was something bigger. Chinook? Osprey? Didn't see it so I can't be sure.
Thanks. I'm going to go read that other thread. Just trying to figure out all the dots so maybe we can start connecting them.