posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +39 / -0

I did some research back when the Covid-19 pandemic started. You would be amazed at all the global organizations tied to vaccine research and distribution. It is a big, big money maker. Billions of dollars are given each year from American taxpayers to these organizations to manufacture and distribute vaccines to every nation on the planet. It seems they like to push these vaccines more in third world countries because the ability to track injuries and deaths is more difficult Very little oversight is provided on how the money is spent and many times the people receiving the vaccines are injured by their poisons.

The World Health Organization(WHO)and World Bank created a organization called Global Preparedness Monitoring Board(GPMB). Here is a link to their Board of directors (BOD): https://apps.who.int/gpmb/board.html Here is a link to a article GPMB published in 2019 just before the pandemic. https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf

If you look at the GPMB BOD's you see 15 names, many of these people are connected other organizations all of which benefit financially from the vaccine industry. One name that stands out is Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Before working for the National Institutes of Heath Dr. Fauci worked for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for 7 years. He worked for the Scientific Board of the Gates Foundation 2003-2010. I thought this was interesting, it establishes a Gates-Fauci relationship. If you have concerns about this duo your intuitions are correct. Gates is a known depopulationist. He thinks the planet is over populated and he has done several videos talking about ways to reduce the planets population. He uses global warming to push his ideas to depopulate the planet, here is a perfect example. https://www.reddit.com/r/GreatReject/comments/kuzuev/bill_gates_admits_vaccines_used_for_depopulation/

Here is a list of organization that have their greedy fingers in the vaccine industry. Like I said its all about financial gain and control. Taking a steady stream of American tax dollars and pushing a product that has questionable benefits.

National Academy of Medicine

Global Development Program

World Health Organization

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust

Rockefeller Foundation

US Agency for International Development

Wellcome Foundation

US State Department

Ford Foundation

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Paul G Allen Family Foundation

Bloomberg Philanthropies

International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Chatham House

John Hopkins University


Global Fund



The GPMB had several of the above organizations write articles about topics to consider when managing a pandemic. GPMB took those articles and collated them in to their own article.(above PDF).

On page 39 under a section called (Progress indicators) you find this: The United Nations (including WHO) will conduct at least two systemwide(global) training and simulation exercises, including one covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.(Covid-19)

What we just lived through was a simulation exercise. We know they have been faking deaths. Ramping up testing cycles to gives false positives. Changing cause of death on death certificates. Using MSM to ramp up fear. This simulation would gauge how far they can push world governments. See how much government over reach populations would accept with masks and lockdowns. See where they may need to tweak future pandemics and who would be willing to donate to their corrupt organizations.

The Dems saw the simulation as a means to destroy Trump. We saw organizations spring up to set up contact tracing. The WHO used it as a means to get more funding for vaccine research. The motivation for such a simulation could be endless, all in a effort to gain financially and increase control over the planets population by destroying businesses, making people reliant on governments and creating socialist slave societies.

If the page 39 statement is correct, they plan on doing this again. Covid-19 was simulation number one. Sounds like simulation number 2 may be in the early stages with the Covid variant. Now you see how big this global crisis is, not from pandemics themselves but the organizations pushing for control of humanity. Many of these organizations need to be dismantled, assets confiscated before they can do more harm. The globalists will continue to destroy our societies until they get want they want, and I think that is a One World Order.