You wouldn't know, because democrats have been flipping votes for decades.
According to fake news, more women voted for Biden. I bet that means you hate all women too, and disparage the group as frequently as possible. Am I right?
YOU brought hate into it. I'm talking demographics. The Jews, black population and the women hated Trump. I don't hate them because just because I notice these things.
And while I do not hate most women, most women are idiots and low information voters.
You wouldn't know, because democrats have been flipping votes for decades.
According to fake news, more women voted for Biden. I bet that means you hate all women too, and disparage the group as frequently as possible. Am I right?
YOU brought hate into it. I'm talking demographics. The Jews, black population and the women hated Trump. I don't hate them because just because I notice these things.
And while I do not hate most women, most women are idiots and low information voters.
There's no place for low IQ people who treat entire groups of people as monolithic borgs who all think and vote the same way.
This isn't Voat. Take your bigotry and go shout at a cloud.
5 minutes later..
I only did the same thing you did above
Yeah, there are means and averages for entire groups. There is a bell curve for these types of things.
Your blatant disregard for reality is disturbing and should be rejected at every opportunity.
By the way, "more blacks turned out for Trump"
Where did you get those numbers, smart guy? And by the way, was that number even half the black population?
Get out of here with your identity politics bullshit. It's okay when YOOOOOOU do it. Rules for thee but not for me, huh?