788 BREAKING: DECLASSIFIED RUSSIA TRANSCRIPTS RELEASED. Read THE PROOF the FBI LIED To And FRAMED Donald Trump - LINKS TO DOCUMENTS FOR DOWNLOAD (www.thedailyfodder.com) posted 4 years ago by JohnPaluska 4 years ago by JohnPaluska +789 / -1 76 comments share 76 comments share save hide report block hide replies
The only thing you're apparently trying to be is a gigantic faggot. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
So, a lady not wanting to look at breasts on a news website is "being a gigantic faggot"
This is why your movement is doomed to fail. Have fun with your little larp circlejerk.
Yes. Yes it is. Now go be a faggot elsewhere.
I believe you're a 400lb dude in his basement before I believe your claim in being a female. Tits or gtfo
You couldn't be more wrong, and I have no tits at all. But please, call all noobs and outsiders faggots. That will truly MAGA and is a good use of your time.
Post feet or get the fuck out.