This is the crazy part. It's a cliche. People don't understand or fail to see what "We've already won" means. It means, WE WON. Trump negotiated with all the heads. You're watching a political play. Look at the rest of the world. Major political heads are resigning and restructuring voluntarily. Why? Because Trump and Prince Salmon visited those countries during Trump's first term. He's got everything, and he's using that leverage to negotiate those resignations.
Trump is trying to avoid a Civil War, so he has to sell the masses on a bad Biden presidency. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden was implementing his policies on Trump's orders. It's just too crazy. Biden is the red pill.
The more irregularities that pop up, the more this theory is supported. We already won. Eat your popcorn and enjoy the show.
What do you think OP, can you add anything to this?
Trump is trying to avoid a Civil War, so he has to sell the masses on a bad Biden presidency. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden was implementing his policies on Trump's orders. It's just too crazy. Biden is the red pill.
So he's going to do immense damage to the country to avoid Civil War? I get the point, but I'm not sure they'd do that. Some of these things can't be reversed without bringing about war anyway.
Small examples - seems I've read something about Biden reversing Trump's transgender military ban. That's not getting re-reversed, you'd just piss a ton of people off. Job losses Biden is causing? That's not a snap and reverse sort of thing either. That HR1 bill is a literal nuke.
Just saying, at some point the idea that it's a psyop for the left won't be plausible.
Because civil war would cause more harm than Biden signing a few EAs that will cost jobs. We're at WAR. There will always be casualties. Just this way far less casualties than all out CW.
It’s scary more people don’t understand this, ESPECIALLY tdw, a 21 century US civil war would devastate the fuck out of this country, they’ll be able to usher in the great reset right under everyone’s noses and no one would know a thing. This is their ultimate goal.
Exactly. They are going out of their way to corner us and provoke a war. Demonizing us, no fly lists, gaslighting etc all to get us to snap so they can come after 2A. So transparent.
Normies have already expressed buyer's remorse. The people who lost their jobs are on severance and unemployment, they're not losing everything tomorrow. And finally, does this REALLY feel like a Biden Presidency to you? Cause it feels like controlled chaos to me...
What about patriots who in the meantime are losing their businesses, homes, and even family members to suicide?? What about the lady who couldn’t buy insulin for her 9 year-old son? It’s a DEATH sentence. This isn’t a game! The show sucks, we are not enjoying it, eating popcorn while patriots are suffering is cruel. Unless Q and POTUS pull this out of their asses, and I pray they do, I don’t know why anyone would follow them going forward. Trump had all the power in the highest office in the land, actually in the world. And he just wimped out. I sincerely, 100% hope and pray I’m wrong about him. Because up until the 20th I thought he was a completely different person.
I agree with you. I was very angry after the rally, Trump was no where to be found during the whole Capitol "breach". And people died. Something good has to come out of it, or else you're right, we were betrayed.
I agree and that is why I am skeptical about this Q stuff. I see no reason why you wait until your enemy had greatly increased his strength before you take him out. I never bought the redpilling normies explanation either because the lunatic Marxists will freak anyway if Trump somehow makes a comeback through military removal of Biden or Harris. Enough people already know that the election was stolen and that Biden is unfit for office. If there is a hammer to drop it needs to happen very soon.
Others may be suffering but realize hundreds of thousands of women and children are also being rescued during this time. Pedo rings going down and perps jailed and executed.
This is the crazy part. It's a cliche. People don't understand or fail to see what "We've already won" means. It means, WE WON. Trump negotiated with all the heads. You're watching a political play. Look at the rest of the world. Major political heads are resigning and restructuring voluntarily. Why? Because Trump and Prince Salmon visited those countries during Trump's first term. He's got everything, and he's using that leverage to negotiate those resignations.
Trump is trying to avoid a Civil War, so he has to sell the masses on a bad Biden presidency. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden was implementing his policies on Trump's orders. It's just too crazy. Biden is the red pill.
The more irregularities that pop up, the more this theory is supported. We already won. Eat your popcorn and enjoy the show.
What do you think OP, can you add anything to this?
So he's going to do immense damage to the country to avoid Civil War? I get the point, but I'm not sure they'd do that. Some of these things can't be reversed without bringing about war anyway.
Small examples - seems I've read something about Biden reversing Trump's transgender military ban. That's not getting re-reversed, you'd just piss a ton of people off. Job losses Biden is causing? That's not a snap and reverse sort of thing either. That HR1 bill is a literal nuke.
Just saying, at some point the idea that it's a psyop for the left won't be plausible.
Because civil war would cause more harm than Biden signing a few EAs that will cost jobs. We're at WAR. There will always be casualties. Just this way far less casualties than all out CW.
It's not rocket science.
It’s scary more people don’t understand this, ESPECIALLY tdw, a 21 century US civil war would devastate the fuck out of this country, they’ll be able to usher in the great reset right under everyone’s noses and no one would know a thing. This is their ultimate goal.
Exactly. They are going out of their way to corner us and provoke a war. Demonizing us, no fly lists, gaslighting etc all to get us to snap so they can come after 2A. So transparent.
Normies have already expressed buyer's remorse. The people who lost their jobs are on severance and unemployment, they're not losing everything tomorrow. And finally, does this REALLY feel like a Biden Presidency to you? Cause it feels like controlled chaos to me...
None of those things are slated to take place until like mid March, at which point trump will already be back in.
What if they say everything he did is null and void?
What about patriots who in the meantime are losing their businesses, homes, and even family members to suicide?? What about the lady who couldn’t buy insulin for her 9 year-old son? It’s a DEATH sentence. This isn’t a game! The show sucks, we are not enjoying it, eating popcorn while patriots are suffering is cruel. Unless Q and POTUS pull this out of their asses, and I pray they do, I don’t know why anyone would follow them going forward. Trump had all the power in the highest office in the land, actually in the world. And he just wimped out. I sincerely, 100% hope and pray I’m wrong about him. Because up until the 20th I thought he was a completely different person.
I agree with you. I was very angry after the rally, Trump was no where to be found during the whole Capitol "breach". And people died. Something good has to come out of it, or else you're right, we were betrayed.
I agree and that is why I am skeptical about this Q stuff. I see no reason why you wait until your enemy had greatly increased his strength before you take him out. I never bought the redpilling normies explanation either because the lunatic Marxists will freak anyway if Trump somehow makes a comeback through military removal of Biden or Harris. Enough people already know that the election was stolen and that Biden is unfit for office. If there is a hammer to drop it needs to happen very soon.
Others may be suffering but realize hundreds of thousands of women and children are also being rescued during this time. Pedo rings going down and perps jailed and executed.
What got me is Biden is doing all of this shit SO FAST.
Sorry but the "don't you get it bro? Biden IS the redpill!" thing is retarded
Despite all the buyer's remorse since?