...the whole thing it’s going to come down like a stack of cards.”
quote source: https://gyazo.com/d4f25a378437ed115397df4be81b5c79
I'm officially convinced that this whole short squeeze scenario we are seeing is also part of the plan. Trump knew this would happen, as he seems to with everything.
He also says stocks will crash, retirement accounts will vanish and an economic depression “the likes of which you’ve never seen” will engulf the nation (https://gyazo.com/9593806bbd7880d8e2188e56fc04b16f).
It’s therapeutic for me. I live in a leftist stronghold. When I go out in public I’m the only one not wearing a mask. I simply refuse. But it wears on my soul. If I didn’t have somewhere to go (even if it’s virtual) I don’t know what I’d do. We are meant to be social and free. This is one of the last places I can taste freedom.