If you think the companies who run the globe are losing off this, they're laughing even harder now than they were before.
The losses incurred on hedge funds or other short sellers is nothing compared to the gains they are going to rake in once all this retail money is exhausted. And it's going to be exhausted sooner than later.
What do you think they'll do then? They'll just short the fuck out of 200%-300%, unsustainable movements.
This is not Q related.
For months now the average Joe has been desperately trying to get into the stock market. Check out any broker, they've been backlogged like crazy.
Unemployment + desperate people + life savings / government checks + a manipulated stock market rising on printed money for over a year = short sellers dream.
This rise we see is just another win for them.
Unless you cashed out, faggot. No, you didn't. And how long do you think this type of growth can be sustained? What then? You cash out your make believe profits? Let's assume you did invest and have indeed made some unrealized profit. When exhausted, who makes all that cash when shorted? The same people this was designed to hurt.
Lmao. Cash out your profit, shit for brains.
How many average citizens are gonna short a stock vs jump in too late then lose everything? This is part of the plan? Or let me guess, it was to red pill people?