If you think the companies who run the globe are losing off this, they're laughing even harder now than they were before.
The losses incurred on hedge funds or other short sellers is nothing compared to the gains they are going to rake in once all this retail money is exhausted. And it's going to be exhausted sooner than later.
What do you think they'll do then? They'll just short the fuck out of 200%-300%, unsustainable movements.
This is not Q related.
For months now the average Joe has been desperately trying to get into the stock market. Check out any broker, they've been backlogged like crazy.
Unemployment + desperate people + life savings / government checks + a manipulated stock market rising on printed money for over a year = short sellers dream.
This rise we see is just another win for them.
I'm not a fed, retard. Lmao. Only a fed would try and embarrass people by relating two words out of a sentence and associating them with a trigger to the plan. This is happening all over this site.
Everyday some asshole associates some wild shit to the plan and nothing happens. This was the latest
Get off the site bub. You sound like you have a complex. Clearly the minority opinion, yet your flexing that your right and and another is wrong. This isn't how Q works. Accept it and go back to reddit if it bothers you.
Easy handshake. I know you finally found somewhere you think others accept you, but it's just an opinion. "GEt OfF mY SIte". You need to go back to reddit, faggot.
Lol that's not my quote is it? Just quit being a tool. Your ok bub. Just a big a keyboard warrior with no credientals but trying be relevant. Started a thread about being tired of other people's opinions but can't handle others. Your weak man, doesn't matter what you say at this point to change that.
Shut up you little twerp.
It only seems that way because you don't know the plan.