posted ago by Seraphim ago by Seraphim +139 / -0

This isn't over yet. If I thought it was, I'd be activating my contingency strategy for cultural self-preservation and encouraging Conservatives to geographically relocate into a central array of neighboring States...for purposes of controlled political centralization/concentration.

But you don't see me doing that because I still Trust the fucking Plan. Maybe I'll be the last one holding the line, but I seriously doubt it...y'all are some badass motherfuckers...so I don't think I'll be alone.

Side note:

FBI analysts, want some coffee? Must be tiresome. We can all be friends...alls you gotta do is be objective and ignore the people telling you to be biased. Enforce the law as it is written, not the political policy as you are directed. I think there are some truly good people within your ranks- same as I was back when I worked for Government. Not everyone is who they appear to be...and I hope you have the internal strength to do what is right. My admonition to "Be Strong" applies to you, just as much at it applies to those of us holding on to hope. Always do the right thing.