posted ago by Vapourface ago by Vapourface +104 / -1

There are 4 instances in drops.

  1. Jan 19th 2018 - 567 - Fake news - letting them be fake [Trump overcomes]
  2. Sept 13 2020 - 4697 - Antifa - letting them commit crimes [Trump overcomes]
  3. Oct 7th 2020 - 4824 - 'Regeneron' video linked - but three posts prior all about Biden presidency [??Trump overcomes??]
  4. Oct 8th 2020 - 4836 - Covid - letting him get it [Trump overcomes]

Trump has yet to overcome the fake presidency. But take note, Antifa have been designated terrorists - so they are being watched. The news has been designated fake - so they are being watched. Covid is a hoax - hoaxers have been watched the whole time, likely.

Also notable - the fake presidency and inauguration depend upon and utilise those other three examples linked to combat tactics, and allowed to happen. They are inter-linked. Biden needed covid to win, he needed antifa to fake the Capitol storming, and he needed the fake news to burnish the bullshit inauguration and incompetent presidency.

No3 was telegraphed heavily by the double posts 4821 and 4822 (starting WHAT HAPPENS IF BIDEN BECAME POTUS) but was close to No4 and became associated with covid/recovery and the regeneron video. Didn't the 'regeneron' video seem strange? - it was the first ever mention I heard of it, and never again has it been mentioned as far as I saw.

Trump is ten steps ahead. He will overcome No3, and at the same time unwind the other three.

/The regeneration-is-on/