The market has has been a fraud for so long. The only answer is to take your fiat and put it into something that can maintain it's store of value. Anything tied to credit is a house of cards including stock and bond market.
When all this plays out you know the hedge funds are going to be bailed out, which in turn creates more M2 money supply, and when that money trickles into the economy you get inflation. When enough of people lose confidence in the currency, people will start spending their worthless dollars with wreck-less abandon - this is the definition of hyperinflation.
Hyperinflations (with exception to Brazil and the Cruzerios where they tricked their citizens to believing an alternative currency) requires a sound currency to instill trust back into the economic system. The elite Central Banks will try the Brazil method with respect to a new reserve currency but it can't work on a global scale - when they need to replace the US dollar as reserve status. Anyone being scared of a single NWO currency - surprise! we already had one in effect for 70 years!
The market has has been a fraud for so long. The only answer is to take your fiat and put it into something that can maintain it's store of value. Anything tied to credit is a house of cards including stock and bond market.
When all this plays out you know the hedge funds are going to be bailed out, which in turn creates more M2 money supply, and when that money trickles into the economy you get inflation. When enough of people lose confidence in the currency, people will start spending their worthless dollars with wreck-less abandon - this is the definition of hyperinflation.
Hyperinflations (with exception to Brazil and the Cruzerios where they tricked their citizens to believing an alternative currency) requires a sound currency to instill trust back into the economic system. The elite Central Banks will try the Brazil method with respect to a new reserve currency but it can't work on a global scale - when they need to replace the US dollar as reserve status. Anyone being scared of a single NWO currency - surprise! we already had one in effect for 70 years!