Everyday I get to wake up and see we're still driving them crazy, This site with all this information on Q proofs and they're to stupid to read and understand common sense. Deport is like a game we WIN every time it's as if they die and have to start the game all over. Don't ever stop being fucktards
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The harder they work, the more sheep they awaken.
This is a war we're fighting and the sheer numbers don't lie. Shills are few and even less than that are comped. It's nice knowing 2+2=4, although it would be satisfying to SHOW someone by clocking them in the head twice with one rock and twice again with another...
My husbands aunt called me up and says “people keep asking me “what is Qanon”...I laughed. All they do is get people asking, what is that? Anyone who doesn’t understand what in the heck is going on start thinking maybe it’s true.