The first (posted) coordinates (N 14deg 35.97min E 120deg 59.05min) are the intersection of R-8 and Paterno St, labeled Yurakeun Japanese.
The second (your inferred) coordinates (N 14deg 35.00min E 120deg 59.00min) are within Rizal Park, quite a walk away. Those are both from your own graphics.
(It's more interesting to me that the park's postal code is 666 as you say (low-to-medium confirmation level) and that the US Embassy is right across the intersection to the southwest of the park (low level). But these too go hardly anywhere.)
My conclusion is that your abundant research ended up rounding off the coordinates and coming up with a false rabbit trail. If we are intended to base a serious conclusion off the fact that rounding down to the minute (among many other possible data manipulation methods) yields a postal code of 666 and so we must keep digging despite no big numerical confirms, I prefer to stick to less nuanced proofs. I hope to post a thread on good and bad numerology. Hope to see you on that thread.
Okay so the postal code you can see as your zooming in/out of on Google Maps.
Look at Rizal Park - be on a desktop computer - within google maps the bottom right corner click the orange guy. It illuminates the map of the pathways.
The first (posted) coordinates (N 14deg 35.97min E 120deg 59.05min) are the intersection of R-8 and Paterno St, labeled Yurakeun Japanese.
The second (your inferred) coordinates (N 14deg 35.00min E 120deg 59.00min) are within Rizal Park, quite a walk away. Those are both from your own graphics.
(It's more interesting to me that the park's postal code is 666 as you say (low-to-medium confirmation level) and that the US Embassy is right across the intersection to the southwest of the park (low level). But these too go hardly anywhere.)
My conclusion is that your abundant research ended up rounding off the coordinates and coming up with a false rabbit trail. If we are intended to base a serious conclusion off the fact that rounding down to the minute (among many other possible data manipulation methods) yields a postal code of 666 and so we must keep digging despite no big numerical confirms, I prefer to stick to less nuanced proofs. I hope to post a thread on good and bad numerology. Hope to see you on that thread.
Okay so the postal code you can see as your zooming in/out of on Google Maps.
Look at Rizal Park - be on a desktop computer - within google maps the bottom right corner click the orange guy. It illuminates the map of the pathways.