After reading several tweets both explaining what has happened with $GME up till now and the recent moves to crush the rebellion by the Hedge funds and their wealthy powerful friends, I must conclude this was a planned and manipulated event. Let me explain.
Average joes (normies) across America have learned more about trading stocks and the unholy practices of powerful players on Wall Street (hedge funds) in the last 24hrs since this story broke open than ever before.
The vehicle for this education was none other than ROBINHOOD. And in front of our eyes and the world, the powerful hedge funds call in favors from other powerful wealthy people to crush the rebellion.
As we saw, all the trading platforms were down yesterday. Why? Who knows, but today, they have implemented changes that prohibit normies from BUYING any more $GME. Anybody can sell, but nobody can buy. WTF. The price can only go down.... and save the hedge funds collective asses.
THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED.... and now all can see.
And what did I find after retweeting a post criticizing this? Likes and retweets from Biden supporters. Not only that, we find that both Ted Cruz and AOC are in agreement for the first and only time in history.
And all this happens right in the middle of what MIGHT be 10 Days of darkness (palindrome)?
This is no fucking coincidence. This is planned. This is an op. Waking people the fuck up!
This is brilliant. A certain percentage of lefties are going to have the sudden realization that they are now being labelled as white supremecists and far-right. They're going to be like "wtf?! No I'm not!" And a certain percentage of those people are going to realize that just MAYBE the people they have been calling those things may not be either.
And now you've got AOC putting the idea out there that what is happening is a good thing and the proper path for the leftists to pursue, so they'll stick with it. Let's just hope that a huge number of them wake up and realize that none of the shit the media is saying about us is true.
I can't fucking believe it, everything we've hoped for might just be happening. I expect some kind of a big scare because there's no way this fight is won. So I assume there will be some drastic counter move by the DS in the next two days that will scare the hell out of all of us.
R/Wallstreetbets is realizing quickly what Trump supporters felt from '16 to '20
I believe this was planned, but honestly I have no idea where to point the finger or how this will end up.
Did this all start on Reddit? If so, that's a bit of a RED flag for me. We all know who runs Reddit... Communists/CCP.
Don't mistake this for me having sympathy for hedge funds. The only people I know for sure are responsible is our shitty establishment politicians.
started on the day of the Maxwell drop too...