posted ago by Yohan_Galt ago by Yohan_Galt +25 / -0

The Covid19 vaccine. I work in the medical field and I am astounded at all the so called professionals blindly taking this vaccine, give its rushed process, new type of vaccine (technically its not a traditional vaccine), and zero, I say again zero long term data that I am aware of. The question I have is that if Trump, MI and other assets have a full understanding of this vaccine, and let it reach our population to be administered, then it in theory should be safe. Trump, MI, would not knowingly allow a vaccine to be administered that was unsafe... maybe ineffective for sure, but definitely not unsafe. We are really left with a whole host of questions, Trump/MI know its safe, vaccine is safe. Trump/MI knows its unsafe but allows it anyway. Trump/MI knows nothing of this vaccine and has placed trust in Big Pharma/Fauci et all fucktards... OR, there is no vaccine, this is a placebo being administered and its all part of the game. I guess we shall just wait and see.