You really think posting these threads on here wasting our space is what keeps those abysmal ratios like that? You got 90 upvote couldn't change it either way. Trust me son, "We the people" dislike CHEETOSUS. We have bigger stuff to discuss than 90-man dislike raids like we're 13 y/o
Just trying to help wake people up that there’s no way he won. I’m so sorry for wasting “ your “ space. There’s a lot more horrible posts on here that waste more time. I know it’s not huge..
yes, make social media a total nightmare for them
Let’s play their dirty games
We no other option. Claws out.
That is my new job
Just contributed my you know what finger
Man! the ratios!
Most popular president of all time ?
This is the red pill right here...
Honestly, is there a weirder looking person expecting to be treated seriously?
Her track record defending the clintons is classy ?
Anytime I’m having a shit day I just got on the WH YouTube page and those downlike ratios brighten my day
I can only hope Kayleigh picked out her hideous outfit. ?
Today, Jen Psaki is clothed in a wonderful ensemble chosen from the Joker 2021 collection.
You really think posting these threads on here wasting our space is what keeps those abysmal ratios like that? You got 90 upvote couldn't change it either way. Trust me son, "We the people" dislike CHEETOSUS. We have bigger stuff to discuss than 90-man dislike raids like we're 13 y/o
Just trying to help wake people up that there’s no way he won. I’m so sorry for wasting “ your “ space. There’s a lot more horrible posts on here that waste more time. I know it’s not huge..
I’m confused?