Cathy Cox is going down. She’s a slime bag. Man she must have crapped when he spoke up. He’s such a great lawyer and defended himself calmly and logically while arrogant small minded students attacked him.?. Can you imagine she attacked his mental health BEHIND HIS BACK to the students and anyone else known or unknown on the call after knowing him for 25 years and he helped her when her character was defamed. He was in the process of donating money to the school. She should be fired immediately. Mercer should be boycotted or something. Disgusting. She is a creep and as President Trump has said, when you loose everything you never know who will turn on you. And you will be surprised on who will stand with you. He said there were people that he didn’t think too much of that turned out to be the best people and he learned from that. I think that’s why he has fought for us. We are those people.
All of a sudden it seems like Lin Wood has been baiting Cathy this whole time. Acting eractic lnowing her controllers would push her and she would fall right into the trap.
Cathy Cox is going down. She’s a slime bag. Man she must have crapped when he spoke up. He’s such a great lawyer and defended himself calmly and logically while arrogant small minded students attacked him.?. Can you imagine she attacked his mental health BEHIND HIS BACK to the students and anyone else known or unknown on the call after knowing him for 25 years and he helped her when her character was defamed. He was in the process of donating money to the school. She should be fired immediately. Mercer should be boycotted or something. Disgusting. She is a creep and as President Trump has said, when you loose everything you never know who will turn on you. And you will be surprised on who will stand with you. He said there were people that he didn’t think too much of that turned out to be the best people and he learned from that. I think that’s why he has fought for us. We are those people.
All of a sudden it seems like Lin Wood has been baiting Cathy this whole time. Acting eractic lnowing her controllers would push her and she would fall right into the trap.
Hookbline and sinker my friends. Checkmate