Quantum computer. Computers operate on 0’s and 1’s. Quantum computers can operate in the infinite of the decimals between 0 and 1. There’s a reason why Q computers have to be kept within a hair of absolute zero. My personal thoughts on the matter.
First that’s not what I said, I said Quantum computers have to be kept within a hair of absolute zero. I didn’t say Q has computers that have to be kept within that temp. Big difference between those two statements.
I learned this while covering that subject matter. I don’t bookmark every subject I read in case I need it later. If I come across it I’ll post it to you.
Quantum computer. Computers operate on 0’s and 1’s. Quantum computers can operate in the infinite of the decimals between 0 and 1. There’s a reason why Q computers have to be kept within a hair of absolute zero. My personal thoughts on the matter.
ok - well we shall see what kind of voter system this Quantum Computer can come up with and let's get this show on the road . . .
Ok, when did we/you learn that Q has computers that have to be within a hair of absolute Zero?????
First that’s not what I said, I said Quantum computers have to be kept within a hair of absolute zero. I didn’t say Q has computers that have to be kept within that temp. Big difference between those two statements.
I learned this while covering that subject matter. I don’t bookmark every subject I read in case I need it later. If I come across it I’ll post it to you.