posted ago by cody17 ago by cody17 +33 / -0

Don’t get you hopes up and don’t datefag. Nothing will happen by the 30th. Flynn posted Washington’s quote about needing more time or (30 days). But this won’t be over by the end of the month. What Flynn meant by quoting Washington begging his troops was that he needed more time. Nobody knows the exact day and if you believe anyone knows then you’re delusional. We will win but it’s not gonna be over in a few days. I don’t want to hear all the crybabies at the end of the month because nothing happens. Because nothing will happen. This won’t get better until March or April. So don’t be depressed and start doomer posting at the end of the month. And anyone who does this is either a shill or a date fagging moron. Things are happening and we are winning but we’re not even close to things getting better. Go ahead and give up on this “10 days” or end of the month bs.