You forgot to add: ... nor corrupt (% for a "big guy") nor a fraudster (election) nor a blackmail guy ("if you don't fire prosecutor you're not getting billion dollars), ...
... but I got your point. If we add full page disclaimer one can pretend to feel sorry.
I would rather note it as theoretical possibility, as I don't think real human would really say that:
left will go full furry on him (at some point),
no awaken person will really feel that way,
5% will be lost forever - maybe they would feel sorry.
You forgot to add: ... nor corrupt (% for a "big guy") nor a fraudster (election) nor a blackmail guy ("if you don't fire prosecutor you're not getting billion dollars), ...
... but I got your point. If we add full page disclaimer one can pretend to feel sorry.
I would rather note it as theoretical possibility, as I don't think real human would really say that:
left will go full furry on him (at some point),
no awaken person will really feel that way,
5% will be lost forever - maybe they would feel sorry.