There's been a lot of speculation about the Biden family getting off without prison in order to try to keep the Left from totally losing their shit and starting a civil war. Don't have much faith in that working myself unless accompanied by a bunch of evidence and or confessions.
I have no patience for this casual assumption that civil war can emerge at the drop of a hat. It cannot happen organizationally unless there is a rebel government to provide direction and leadership.
Now, the psychotic left (and they are paranoid psychotics) will freak out over loss of power and ascendancy of Trump or anyone else. What happens to Biden will be a meaningless detail compared to loss of power, so they will go batshit crazy on a spontaneous basis (we've seen some of that by example). But once you start rolling up the George Soroses of the melodrama, the fuel for the logistics will shut off and regular troops will clean up the insurrection. Once they start getting shot, their appetite for being a target will dry up rapidly. Or, they will stupidly try to fight back, and will assume room temperature for their trouble. (Remember, these are the people who cried and wailed in the street at Trump's 2016 victory, and prayed for the College of Electors to choose Clinton instead. Zero connection with reality.)
My point is that Biden has nothing to bargain with, if he is faced with mature interrogators who understand the picture I just outlined.
There's been a lot of speculation about the Biden family getting off without prison in order to try to keep the Left from totally losing their shit and starting a civil war. Don't have much faith in that working myself unless accompanied by a bunch of evidence and or confessions.
I have no patience for this casual assumption that civil war can emerge at the drop of a hat. It cannot happen organizationally unless there is a rebel government to provide direction and leadership.
Now, the psychotic left (and they are paranoid psychotics) will freak out over loss of power and ascendancy of Trump or anyone else. What happens to Biden will be a meaningless detail compared to loss of power, so they will go batshit crazy on a spontaneous basis (we've seen some of that by example). But once you start rolling up the George Soroses of the melodrama, the fuel for the logistics will shut off and regular troops will clean up the insurrection. Once they start getting shot, their appetite for being a target will dry up rapidly. Or, they will stupidly try to fight back, and will assume room temperature for their trouble. (Remember, these are the people who cried and wailed in the street at Trump's 2016 victory, and prayed for the College of Electors to choose Clinton instead. Zero connection with reality.)
My point is that Biden has nothing to bargain with, if he is faced with mature interrogators who understand the picture I just outlined.