yeah yeah. i get it we are living through a movie etc but if this actually happens it wont be no laughing matter. comms and power will likely shut down and people will freak out especially people who never experienced anything traumatic before. we might all wish for this to happen but if it does it will be really fucking scary (imo)
Comments (34)
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yeah it will bc my balls will finally return to their natural color
def got a laugh out of that one
What color are they that you consider unnatural?
Just poking the bear, I'm a smart ass.
Q teaches us not to predict dates and expect certain things to happen on certain dates. If it happens, whenever it happens, it will be a very serious matter. But chances are, it wont be happening today. I believe a lot of things are needed globally to fall in place before it can happen
its not the dates im worried about. im saying that if it does happen it wont be some movie trope type of deal. it will likely be quite serious
Yeah, even the most hardcore of us who have been preparing for whats to come, will still find it hard to accept when the full truth comes. Our belief in humanity will be shattered.
I have often thought about that moment , and I agrree completely. Those of us who habe been following will be okay. Those without a clue will be hysterical.
There most likely will be an EBS least one for the massive STORMS heading East
I'm ready for some spicy habbenings.
My entire family is full of hardcore Trumpers and all of them gave up on Jan 20th... I keep telling them that Trump signed the Insurrection Act which means he remains president while the Insurrection is quelled... they all called me a larp so now I have three $100 bets that the Biden administration will not be in office beyond July... easy money
More likely on super bowl Sunday
Say it again! These kids just don’t understand. I was looking out the window and one said “Are you being paranoid again?”
Peachmints is after super bowl so anytime after super bowl would be theory.
Blackout schmackout. I’m ready:
Nope, not in BFE. 20 minutes from WH. The game is real.
u realize theyre not going to cut off ventilators for elderly
Man I hope it happens but I’ve got a girls night planed hopefully I get go out and get back! ??
Why the date fagging?
Right? We have to wait at least until January 2029!