Oof, that's like asking someone what bank to use or which car to drive. The right answer is going to be different for everyone.
If you want to get into trading GME and other popular stocks, only Vanguard and Fidelity did not restrict trading this week.
For longer term investing, there's a lot of different investing philosophies out there. The Boglehead have a pretty good one, in my opinion: https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Getting_started
Thinking about Webull. Do you recommend them?
Oof, that's like asking someone what bank to use or which car to drive. The right answer is going to be different for everyone.
If you want to get into trading GME and other popular stocks, only Vanguard and Fidelity did not restrict trading this week.
For longer term investing, there's a lot of different investing philosophies out there. The Boglehead have a pretty good one, in my opinion: https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Getting_started