515 LIST of notable Global Politicians dead January 20-30, 2021 [ZOOM IN TO READ] (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Antenna 4 years ago by Antenna +515 / -0 83 comments download share 83 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Marlin kuykendall - 86, seems like just old, didn’t dig too much here
Steve kuykendall - 73, signed a letter encouraging impeachment of trump in late January this year, sounds like a bad guy to me
Barbara gronemus - 89, farmer after short political stint, prob not bad honestly
Bootie Neal - 63, very unexpected death, Democrat, first elected in 1991 as first black female in Dayton Ohio
Nilda pedrosa - 43, cancer sadly, 2 kids with husband. Republican, didn’t seem bad on a surface look into her
Henry coe - 74 Pancreatic cancer, diagnosed late last year, Republican House member for a long time, also an investment executive...
Joyce Hearn - 91, just old likely here tough to imagine anything else at that age, didn’t dig deeper after I saw the age
Jim vickerman - 89, Democrat, seemed like a good guy overall. Was re-elected several times then did not decide to run again in 2020.
Billy kinoi - 52, bone cancer, seemed like a nice guy. Hawaii mayor for a while.