Hayle 4 points ago +4 / -0

Biggest redpill - allergies created by pharma intentionally just to annoy/distract people

Hayle 4 points ago +4 / -0

MA here, just mined some salt from a lib coworker. “The federal election doesn’t do anything for you anyways. It’s all about local elections. I didn’t watch the debate past the first few minutes, it was too embarrassing”

While he is pretty much correct there, this guy was blasting trump any chance he had the last several years over any and all of the fakest of news smears. He couldn’t say much bad from last night about trump, the porn star sex line was pretty good imo lol

Hayle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m not FUDing on the Q plan, this display of politics is objectively an embarrassment. Q said to notice the next [6] years in June 2019. I know it’s a wild ride til summer 2025 with ups and downs and ultimately a win for those who want truth and justice

Hayle 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is incredibly embarrassing for all of humanity. Disgusting pieces of shit on both sides of the aisle. Literally, actually burn the house down with everyone inside. These losers are get paid tax dollars to talk shit to each other on public record and argue whether the shit they talk is taken off the record..? I hate politicians. The system is beyond repair, we need a bad dictator/king like Caligula to rip out their fingernails and flay people in public just to induce fear again. Trump 2024, for the love of all humanity if you don’t fix this people are going to snap

Hayle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any data available from 2022 or 2023 to see if this trend continued, or if that spike was solely when the shots rolled out, and hasn’t continued since?

Hayle 3 points ago +3 / -0

Came here to call this out too. PS80 very common in food in particular. Thanks for the high effort post. The people that pull the strings want everyone to be as divided as possible, they are throwing a tantrum on their way out of power and sowing division in all aspects of life, trying to keep people angry/in fear and not educating themselves.

Hayle 29 points ago +29 / -0

Too many soft people in positions of power, most installed for that very reason

Hayle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I sincerely appreciate the high effort responses here friend, thanks for the info. I’m holding out hope that obama removing smith mundt is still allowing for a lot of the craziness we’re seeing in the news, but that would probably be too simple since it feels like we’ve been at war for a little while now. Best of luck with you and yours carrying forward through all this shit. We’ll be around to pick up the pieces and make the world a better place for the future

Hayle 3 points ago +3 / -0

Q post 3387 always gets me, …”note next (6) years”… posted in July 2019. That takes us to July 2025, so I’ve planted my datefagging goalposts there and I’m only worried if shit gets worse past that time

Hayle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Death rates include children and babies, they don’t solely include adults. I think the reason why i feel this way is because I’ve had 2 kids since 2021, both wife and I not vaccinated, and both my brother and sister each have had 2 kids as well since 2020, with both families having got the vaccine, (one of them actually did covid vaccine for their first child but sis is a nurse so she thought she was doing the right thing lol). I spend a lot of time with all of them and haven’t noticed anything different whatsoever with anyone from before the shots. obviously we all hope it stays this way and there was never anything that bad, but I’m not saying none of the mass death isn’t possible, just that I don’t think it’s likely with my observations / research / anecdotal evidence so far

Just adding in that I forgot to address stillbirth/miscarriage point too, which I don’t believe they do classify as death, sadly, which they should - the number of women actually deciding to get a vaccine while they have a child in their womb has got to be a small sample size at this point, I would be surprised if you have people lining up to take that risk, but if those numbers are objectively/significantly increasing taking into account population growth im pretty much fully with you on this

Hayle 9 points ago +9 / -0

Can you provide a source for this claim? I haven’t been able to find anything that backs this up

Hayle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have the number of dead people increased disproportionately since covid hit? This is why the pandemic was not believable to anyone looking at the actual numbers. The overall number of people who died per capita during the covid years was not significantly greater than any prior years. If you provide a source for an increase in the total overall deaths relative to the population growth and there is an actual increase, then I’ll believe that it’s more deadly than I think it is currently. We do know for sure that certain batches had more vaers reports than others, at least.

Hayle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Completely agree friend. It’s all blown way out of proportion on both sides to induce more fear and division among the populace

Hayle 13 points ago +13 / -0

Upload a picture of the rocks in the Q shape on the barn remnants. Not being negative, just want to believe this is actually a true story. Just odd that you mentioned the barn containing something that he wanted you to see and it happened to be burned down now. If you have pics that would be a wild story.

Hayle 3 points ago +3 / -0

I feel like shedding is overblown, just more bs fear to divide. But if it’s true and non-covid vaccinated people get sicker than they would otherwise I think I’d prob have to move somewhere more remote, haha

Hayle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with this sentiment to a point, they need to be shown how badly they fucked up by choosing to be uninformed, complying, and even insulting or wishing death to those of us who refused it. I’ll just always keep in mind that while they are forever branded as being capable of that type of weak behavior, continuing to fight their negative with more negative, etc etc

Hayle 6 points ago +6 / -0

I can understand being frustrated with the weak-willed, and never forgetting that they made the retarded decision to get vaccinated against a joke of a cold virus that was man made while blindly trusting pharma/media, but someone has to start being the bigger person and forgiving them for their retardation and moving forward. I personally don’t believe there was any positive from taking that at all, but also don’t believe there is that much negative, and won’t believe anything til I start seeing the family/friends that got it actually disproportionately sick and the overall dead per year being noticeably higher than the yearly norm (similar to how no flu deaths in 2020/all covid deaths weren’t above the yearly norm for dead)

Hayle 8 points ago +8 / -0

They used to be smarter, then they DEI’d up their cabinets with Obama bringing in lots of media execs so they had more freedom/buy in to be communist and at the same time could run cover/distract away from shortcomings more easily, thinking they were closing in on inevitability with their plan. Thank God we have patriots in powerful enough positions to counter this, and enough Americans were awake to vote for DJT the first time through

Hayle 4 points ago +4 / -0

She wouldn’t be a bad play by the dems policy wise since she’s a rino but she’s establishment through and through so I don’t think she’d get as much support as biden, considering she polls worse against him in the general currently Just adding in that she sucks, biden sucks, and to vote trump.

Hayle 5 points ago +5 / -0

This friend. What is x even caused from, a virus, parasite, bacteria…? Is there info on that yet or just that they’re working on this to lead into more mail in voting for November?

Hayle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah we need some sort of prep but q specifically said no need to prep for 6 months of financial fallout - just edit/adding too that I agree with you overall here

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