I no longer associate with any liberals. That includes former friends from my youth and family members. They're all dead to me. Once you see and hear some of the disgusting shit they'll write and say behind your back, it is pointless, for me anyway, to act like I want to associate with these things.
I'm not suggesting everyone does what I do. Some people can overlook that kind of stuff. I don't think any more or less of people that can :-). I merely chose to stop being any part of their lives since it is pretty clear that they believe that conservatives are dogshit that needs to be scraped from their shoes.
I've grown completely sick and fucking tired of having to watch every fucking thing I say around these spoiled children. What didn't matter five years ago may trigger a liberal today if the TV tells them certain speech is now deemed to be "hate". It's simply better if we part ways if they're going to let some fucking dunce on TV dictate what they should think.
Remember, politics is a sort of game to us. To a liberal, politics is a religion. Their God is a UN run world socialist government. Their priests and priestesses are politicians. Their bishops are government approved scientists. Their popes are POTUS and other world leaders. Yes I am going a bit overboard with my metaphors, but their behavior doesn't suggest that their beliefs are much different than what I outlined.
Just remember, these people are brainwashed ... If ordered, they will turn on you like a rabid, wild animal. We would joke about Trump being GEOTUS ... Liberals believed Obama and others like him were literally that. They value their overlords, entertainers, and "experts" more than people they've known their entire lives. They can have them full time for all I care. I see no way of convincing them that they're being used. End result : fuck them! :-)
Liberals believe the dumbest stuff. And they make fun of ME for believing Trump is shadow president and that mass arrests are coming to DC soon, even though it is extremely obvious. I will have the last laugh when the mass arrests begin
That's what's so weird.
I've seen a lot of liberals that won't talk to consefvatives, but rarely any conservatives that won't talk to liberals.
Sure, it exists, but rare. Twitter/Facebook banning people is really just an amplification of this.
I no longer associate with any liberals. That includes former friends from my youth and family members. They're all dead to me. Once you see and hear some of the disgusting shit they'll write and say behind your back, it is pointless, for me anyway, to act like I want to associate with these things.
I'm not suggesting everyone does what I do. Some people can overlook that kind of stuff. I don't think any more or less of people that can :-). I merely chose to stop being any part of their lives since it is pretty clear that they believe that conservatives are dogshit that needs to be scraped from their shoes.
I've grown completely sick and fucking tired of having to watch every fucking thing I say around these spoiled children. What didn't matter five years ago may trigger a liberal today if the TV tells them certain speech is now deemed to be "hate". It's simply better if we part ways if they're going to let some fucking dunce on TV dictate what they should think.
Remember, politics is a sort of game to us. To a liberal, politics is a religion. Their God is a UN run world socialist government. Their priests and priestesses are politicians. Their bishops are government approved scientists. Their popes are POTUS and other world leaders. Yes I am going a bit overboard with my metaphors, but their behavior doesn't suggest that their beliefs are much different than what I outlined.
Just remember, these people are brainwashed ... If ordered, they will turn on you like a rabid, wild animal. We would joke about Trump being GEOTUS ... Liberals believed Obama and others like him were literally that. They value their overlords, entertainers, and "experts" more than people they've known their entire lives. They can have them full time for all I care. I see no way of convincing them that they're being used. End result : fuck them! :-)
Liberals believe the dumbest stuff. And they make fun of ME for believing Trump is shadow president and that mass arrests are coming to DC soon, even though it is extremely obvious. I will have the last laugh when the mass arrests begin