Someone got emotional, Have you thought maybe I wasn't talking to you! I was giving a heads up to other fellows Christians about who tom is! As I stated before I do not care what you or anybody listens to idolizes or anything. I was convicted to give my peace, You do realize Q quotes from the bible right and alot of people here are Christians right, seems to me you would be trying to poison the well, kinda funny I have been here and TDW for months and never saw Tom post and yesterday there was 3 I don't see how Tom has anything to do with Q! What anybody does is their business but I know if I was on here and saw Tom for the first time I would have liked for someone to warn me about who he really is and let me decided not just promote him with just the good stuff, that's being deceitful! I know Ive already said this, but I will say it again I know I'm no better than anybody, I have flaws and I'm a sinner like everybody else, But I do try my best to be like The Father and Son Of Man, This was more of a get the whole picture before you make a decision on the guy! Some like you have taken it personally, Sorry it hurt your feelings, I do apologize.
Q is a believer I suppose as are many here. No one said they shouldn't be. The only people poisoning the well are those who use their religious liberties to shut down the free thought and free speech of others. Which is what you're trying to do. You're a wolf in sheep's clothing. Acting like a fascist. I don't need your apology, you didn't hurt my feelings. I just like to call out those who would use their liberties to silence or demean others. I make it a habit to make sure everyone's speech and opinion is protected and not demonized. That's what Patriots do. Fascist's divide and censor. What a shame, people should be on the lookout for you and others like you.
You play right into the hands of the Elites by using your religion to try to silence and demonize others. They want us divided, keep giving them what they want.
So did I deport? did i say i wanted this banned? I was telling people who are suppose to be Christians what they are getting involved with. I'm no better than anyone hell I'm probably a worst Christian than most but I do have morals and I try my best to represent what Jesus would want me to say/do to the best of my abilities, As I said before my comment was for Christians, Nobody else, And if you got offend what it seems you did I would take a look at yourself.. Just a question do you think Jesus would support tom MacDonald or let his disciples support him, The answers is for anyone Christian or not. Like I said multiple times I can care ales what people do as I don't have to answer for anybody else, I was doing this a heads up being that all of a sudden we get trolls, shills who post tom macdonald stuff in here the last 3 days I'm here everyday for hours and I have not seen one tom MacDonald thing and that same day 3 times, Not a coincidence You can post what you want and I can comment what I want period! I like the whole wolf in sheep's clothing you atheists' like to use against us. But I'm on a pro Christian site minding my businesses yet you come here on a page not about music and post anti Christian pro Satanist videos and I called you out. Who looks like a wolf, more like I'm the Shepard hunting the wolf.
So now you're assuming I'm an atheist because I don't agree with you and I don't see religion/Christianity the same way you do? WOW.
I don't even have to say anything else. You have shown your true colors for every Patriot to see. Again using your religion to silence others and condemn others that don't agree with you. Facist. Disgusting. Divisive. Check yourself.
You are to funny! Yes, you are an atheist or satanist you pick, You can't say anymore because you got your butt kicked. As you know the word of god and yet you support satanist and fight for them to feel good about your horrible choices. I notice you didn't answer any of my questions. WHY? The only thing you have said is how mean I'm for not supporting a satanist or support anybody who does like yourself. It's clear The truth is not in you, as The Father is not in you! I ask one question do you really think I care what other people think? I'm not of this world so I don't expect anybody to like me. The truth is still the truth whether you like it or not.You know what i don't like is people claiming to be Christians and do the opposite, I pray you change your ways and spend some quality time in the bible and turn from your wickedness.As I will say again this is only for True Christians who might have been misled and don't know the truth as I took me a while to see the Truth, The message I wrote was not for you obviously. just remember Revelation 3:15-16,
“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.
Someone got emotional, Have you thought maybe I wasn't talking to you! I was giving a heads up to other fellows Christians about who tom is! As I stated before I do not care what you or anybody listens to idolizes or anything. I was convicted to give my peace, You do realize Q quotes from the bible right and alot of people here are Christians right, seems to me you would be trying to poison the well, kinda funny I have been here and TDW for months and never saw Tom post and yesterday there was 3 I don't see how Tom has anything to do with Q! What anybody does is their business but I know if I was on here and saw Tom for the first time I would have liked for someone to warn me about who he really is and let me decided not just promote him with just the good stuff, that's being deceitful! I know Ive already said this, but I will say it again I know I'm no better than anybody, I have flaws and I'm a sinner like everybody else, But I do try my best to be like The Father and Son Of Man, This was more of a get the whole picture before you make a decision on the guy! Some like you have taken it personally, Sorry it hurt your feelings, I do apologize.
Q is a believer I suppose as are many here. No one said they shouldn't be. The only people poisoning the well are those who use their religious liberties to shut down the free thought and free speech of others. Which is what you're trying to do. You're a wolf in sheep's clothing. Acting like a fascist. I don't need your apology, you didn't hurt my feelings. I just like to call out those who would use their liberties to silence or demean others. I make it a habit to make sure everyone's speech and opinion is protected and not demonized. That's what Patriots do. Fascist's divide and censor. What a shame, people should be on the lookout for you and others like you.
You play right into the hands of the Elites by using your religion to try to silence and demonize others. They want us divided, keep giving them what they want.
So did I deport? did i say i wanted this banned? I was telling people who are suppose to be Christians what they are getting involved with. I'm no better than anyone hell I'm probably a worst Christian than most but I do have morals and I try my best to represent what Jesus would want me to say/do to the best of my abilities, As I said before my comment was for Christians, Nobody else, And if you got offend what it seems you did I would take a look at yourself.. Just a question do you think Jesus would support tom MacDonald or let his disciples support him, The answers is for anyone Christian or not. Like I said multiple times I can care ales what people do as I don't have to answer for anybody else, I was doing this a heads up being that all of a sudden we get trolls, shills who post tom macdonald stuff in here the last 3 days I'm here everyday for hours and I have not seen one tom MacDonald thing and that same day 3 times, Not a coincidence You can post what you want and I can comment what I want period! I like the whole wolf in sheep's clothing you atheists' like to use against us. But I'm on a pro Christian site minding my businesses yet you come here on a page not about music and post anti Christian pro Satanist videos and I called you out. Who looks like a wolf, more like I'm the Shepard hunting the wolf.
So now you're assuming I'm an atheist because I don't agree with you and I don't see religion/Christianity the same way you do? WOW.
I don't even have to say anything else. You have shown your true colors for every Patriot to see. Again using your religion to silence others and condemn others that don't agree with you. Facist. Disgusting. Divisive. Check yourself.
You are to funny! Yes, you are an atheist or satanist you pick, You can't say anymore because you got your butt kicked. As you know the word of god and yet you support satanist and fight for them to feel good about your horrible choices. I notice you didn't answer any of my questions. WHY? The only thing you have said is how mean I'm for not supporting a satanist or support anybody who does like yourself. It's clear The truth is not in you, as The Father is not in you! I ask one question do you really think I care what other people think? I'm not of this world so I don't expect anybody to like me. The truth is still the truth whether you like it or not.You know what i don't like is people claiming to be Christians and do the opposite, I pray you change your ways and spend some quality time in the bible and turn from your wickedness.As I will say again this is only for True Christians who might have been misled and don't know the truth as I took me a while to see the Truth, The message I wrote was not for you obviously. just remember Revelation 3:15-16, “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.