If the roster symbolizes Peters rejection of Christ and the heads of John the Baptist was served up on a platter after a daughter dances for the king in a way he likes... great symbols of “faith.”
I know art history and Hispanic Catholic art and symbology. This is dark shnit man. Human sacrifice in a burning coffin. I see “ in our history, in our religion, we killed your Christ man. Served his prophet up on a platter. We rule.”
And then half of what art means is either based on interpretation or must be informed by the artists statement. Without that we have our various opinions about the meaning of the piece. Just because there is Biblical symbolism doesn’t make this a Procatgolic piece. I think of the Piss Christ. Catholic symbology in urine. Same sentiment here imho.
If the roster symbolizes Peters rejection of Christ and the heads of John the Baptist was served up on a platter after a daughter dances for the king in a way he likes... great symbols of “faith.”
I know art history and Hispanic Catholic art and symbology. This is dark shnit man. Human sacrifice in a burning coffin. I see “ in our history, in our religion, we killed your Christ man. Served his prophet up on a platter. We rule.”
And then half of what art means is either based on interpretation or must be informed by the artists statement. Without that we have our various opinions about the meaning of the piece. Just because there is Biblical symbolism doesn’t make this a Procatgolic piece. I think of the Piss Christ. Catholic symbology in urine. Same sentiment here imho.
Christ has risen and defeated the cross.
It represents our daily struggle and keeping the faith.
The picture above is flirting with satanism.
What the lady wears around her neck is also a pagan symbol not of Christianity.