This is absolutely essential. The word for "many" means more literally "multitudes" and the word for "strong covenant" requires the concept of unity: so it's the United Nations.
The fact that John the Revelator sees globalism reaching a peak where the underground economy is the only way to survive implies some tribulation, but nobody can conquer the heart that is sold to God: nobody can. So stick to the Constitution where it says Jesus is Lord (in the date-setting section), and that Constitution will be upheld in your heart under God and you will not fear canceling or unpersoning by any man. Daniel 11:36:
And the king shall do as he wills. He shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak astonishing things against the God of gods. He shall prosper till the indignation is accomplished; for what is decreed shall be done.
Wouldn't the "covenant of many" and the "strong covenant" be the Covenant of Christ? Jesus, the Messiah, taught from the Temple that Daniel wrote of. Daniel received the vision after praying for his people, people that were under the Covenant of Abraham and Jacob. The transgression of their sins happened upon the Resurrection* and they are the 144,000 of the tribes of Israel who were shewn to John as being in the presence of the Father, at the beginning of Revelations.
*Or upon Christs death on the Cross, "it is finished."
This is absolutely essential. The word for "many" means more literally "multitudes" and the word for "strong covenant" requires the concept of unity: so it's the United Nations.
The fact that John the Revelator sees globalism reaching a peak where the underground economy is the only way to survive implies some tribulation, but nobody can conquer the heart that is sold to God: nobody can. So stick to the Constitution where it says Jesus is Lord (in the date-setting section), and that Constitution will be upheld in your heart under God and you will not fear canceling or unpersoning by any man. Daniel 11:36:
Wouldn't the "covenant of many" and the "strong covenant" be the Covenant of Christ? Jesus, the Messiah, taught from the Temple that Daniel wrote of. Daniel received the vision after praying for his people, people that were under the Covenant of Abraham and Jacob. The transgression of their sins happened upon the Resurrection* and they are the 144,000 of the tribes of Israel who were shewn to John as being in the presence of the Father, at the beginning of Revelations.
*Or upon Christs death on the Cross, "it is finished."