D.U.M.Bs are being destroyed by the Alliance forces all around the world. Best way to track these (according to Gene Decode) is to watch for earth quakes at depths of 10 km and 35kms (thats where they build DUMBs).
We can see a bunch of DUMBs taken out in Syria, Iran and Azerbaijan in this map.
Suspicious 0bservers has tools that can help predict natural earthquakes (due to geo-magnetic disruptions from the sun etc). Just cross reference this data with ALL earthquakes and the ones that aren't predictable in said depth range will probably help weed out the chaff. DUMBs are real, but I'm not one to assume all of these quakes are DUMBs being taken offline. The ones not on fault lines are the most notable in my opinion.
D.U.M.Bs are being destroyed by the Alliance forces all around the world. Best way to track these (according to Gene Decode) is to watch for earth quakes at depths of 10 km and 35kms (thats where they build DUMBs).
We can see a bunch of DUMBs taken out in Syria, Iran and Azerbaijan in this map.
Get Started here: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map
I thought it was 10k, 3k and 5k. Honestly, 35k doesn't make much sense to me. That's below the crust on most of the earth.
I might have heard the 3k and 5k and mistook it for 35k. That 35k might not be related.
I'm just gonna say it. That acronym is dumb.
I don’t even know what it stands for.
And you would be correct
Thank you!
Suspicious 0bservers has tools that can help predict natural earthquakes (due to geo-magnetic disruptions from the sun etc). Just cross reference this data with ALL earthquakes and the ones that aren't predictable in said depth range will probably help weed out the chaff. DUMBs are real, but I'm not one to assume all of these quakes are DUMBs being taken offline. The ones not on fault lines are the most notable in my opinion.
Remember when Q posted pics of Syria? Pepe Farms Remembers...