There are so many examples online of people having awful reactions, many permanent, as well as many deaths. I could scour for video after video about it, but from convulsions and seizures to Bell's Palsey, the examples are many. I posted this one because I've already seen 20-30 examples already.
Truth is hard to swallow sometimes. This is one of them. I implore others on a regular basis to at least research reactions before deciding to take it. Then let their own conscience drive the decision based on what they find.
There are so many examples online of people having awful reactions, many permanent, as well as many deaths. I could scour for video after video about it, but from convulsions and seizures to Bell's Palsey, the examples are many. I posted this one because I've already seen 20-30 examples already.
Truth is hard to swallow sometimes. This is one of them. I implore others on a regular basis to at least research reactions before deciding to take it. Then let their own conscience drive the decision based on what they find.
That's a lot of words for "I didn't verify it but it looks real so it is"
How much does big pharma pay you?
Yeah I work for Rofschild because I won't trust unverified information.
You're fucking retarded.
Ok doomer