GME, DIAMOND HANDS< SILVER=LARP 2/3 worlds silver is in reserves, a moon shot squeeze isn't possible, <not a financial adviser, mildly retarded.. do some fucking research...
Exactly. The reserve holders don't want to see the prices go up because they hate successful investments so they will sell their reserves at lower prices to the shorts so the shorts can cover...... DEEERRRRRRPPPPPPP......
GME, DIAMOND HANDS< SILVER=LARP 2/3 worlds silver is in reserves, a moon shot squeeze isn't possible, <not a financial adviser, mildly retarded.. do some fucking research...
Yep! Citadel is #5 shareholder in SLV trying to drive up the cost to cover the GME squeeze.
Thank you!
Exactly. The reserve holders don't want to see the prices go up because they hate successful investments so they will sell their reserves at lower prices to the shorts so the shorts can cover...... DEEERRRRRRPPPPPPP......