I think its a temporary holding cells for Mil Tribunal and pupil hanging for the world to see! By publicly hanging these treasonous bastards on live TV will make people sing to save their neck. That is just my opinion.
No kidding. How many times does the press box/parade observation stand and its slow construction and dismantling have to be repeated? they build a similar structure for every inauguration. And it's the government. They aren't efficient.
I've been telling people all week that the White House lights go off around 11 pm every night. I watched it the entire week before the inauguration and it was dark every night after 11. But people just kept arguing with me about it. I didn't want people getting their hopes up and feeling let down.
The structure is the press box, It was in the process of being disassembled heading into the weekend. It's likely delayed due to the snow.
If they were taking it down they would of done that on the 21st, Seems like they are changing it...need to wait and see.
If that structure is not down before this coming weekend, then I'm believing the press box was used to disguise it's true purpose.
I think its a temporary holding cells for Mil Tribunal and pupil hanging for the world to see! By publicly hanging these treasonous bastards on live TV will make people sing to save their neck. That is just my opinion.
As soon as they start decorating it with "garage-door pull ropes" I will get excited.
Little over the top. We have to be judicious in how we represent the community.
I think we have beat this subject into the ground.
Seriously. Legit thinking this post must be a joke.
No kidding. How many times does the press box/parade observation stand and its slow construction and dismantling have to be repeated? they build a similar structure for every inauguration. And it's the government. They aren't efficient.
Here's one being built in 1968. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=QOBvQjuR&id=6A226169F53D70A1B32BD293CB5D4D607D356D80&thid=OIP.QOBvQjuR231FSxcSblwH_wAAAA&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ebayimg.com%2Fimages%2Fg%2F2AUAAOSw8iJfODhB%2Fs-l300.jpg&exph=300&expw=241&q=press+stand+trump+inauguration&simid=608038967470589840&ck=8603EB0E175809FFF27A752BFB6460AE&selectedindex=0&form=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0&vt=1&sim=11
Here's the equivalent for Clinton: https://siarchives.si.edu/collections/siris_arc_308428
I've been telling people all week that the White House lights go off around 11 pm every night. I watched it the entire week before the inauguration and it was dark every night after 11. But people just kept arguing with me about it. I didn't want people getting their hopes up and feeling let down.
That's what we get for assuming we know more than we do.
Future proves past, not the other way around.