The police aren't your enemy. And cops aren't defending Anturdfa or BLame. The officers hands are tied because their mayors and city council members control their Chief. Chiefs that don't abide are pushed out and replaced by puppet Chiefs. Everyone needs to realize that. There are wayyy more good patriot officers than bad officers, much more. Officers that would and have laid their lives on the line to protect a perfect stranger. Just like in any other profession there are bad apples in the bunch, even in the military, health care field, education system, etc. There are a lot of good people stuck in a bad systems. But social media and the news media spins their lies and portrays them as evil doers. Just like all the lies they spun and continue to spin which got our world into the crap were in today, eyeballs deep.
That’s your indoctrination speaking. Wake up to reality please. No one forces cops to continue their job. They freely chose this job, and choose to enforce unjust/unconstitutional laws, and choose not to hold the “bad apples” accountable for their crimes.
The saying is “a few bad apples spoils the bunch”, and now the whole barrel is rotten.
You should never call the cops unless you need them to come kill someone and are willing to take the high risk that they’ll kill or arrest you instead.
The police aren't your enemy. And cops aren't defending Anturdfa or BLame. The officers hands are tied because their mayors and city council members control their Chief. Chiefs that don't abide are pushed out and replaced by puppet Chiefs. Everyone needs to realize that. There are wayyy more good patriot officers than bad officers, much more. Officers that would and have laid their lives on the line to protect a perfect stranger. Just like in any other profession there are bad apples in the bunch, even in the military, health care field, education system, etc. There are a lot of good people stuck in a bad systems. But social media and the news media spins their lies and portrays them as evil doers. Just like all the lies they spun and continue to spin which got our world into the crap were in today, eyeballs deep.
That’s your indoctrination speaking. Wake up to reality please. No one forces cops to continue their job. They freely chose this job, and choose to enforce unjust/unconstitutional laws, and choose not to hold the “bad apples” accountable for their crimes.
The saying is “a few bad apples spoils the bunch”, and now the whole barrel is rotten.
And updoot for yo.
Ok, you're set in your thought. Next time you get into a decent fender bender or need serious help, call your local social worker for assistance. kek
You should never call the cops unless you need them to come kill someone and are willing to take the high risk that they’ll kill or arrest you instead.
You watch too much MSM