CheekyBastard 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's an updoot for being correct.

However, that's not what he said. Go watch the video again.

CheekyBastard 8 points ago +8 / -0

Took me a few times reading this to understand what you're saying. You're absolutely right. We're the target, and they are trying to push things so hard to try to get one of us to shoot first. Then they really WILL burn this country to the ground. This movie is fucking crazy.

CheekyBastard 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of course. He's ashkenazi.

CheekyBastard 7 points ago +8 / -1

And they should be making even more. Just like all of us should. Someone who made 80k per year in 1978 would be making 246k now. Why aren't we? What happened in 1971?


CheekyBastard 1 point ago +1 / -0


My roommate keeps asking me how I know about what's happening, or stuff about to happen, so much earlier than anyone else. I said, "I read ga.win every day."

CheekyBastard 12 points ago +12 / -0

Except it's been proven time and again that 60 year old white dudes aren't ones to go around committing these types of acts. Illegal aliens and the trash being imported by our "betters" are.

CheekyBastard 8 points ago +8 / -0

You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.

$2K per load.

CheekyBastard 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every citizen should get back every penny ever paid in taxes. Imagine what would happen to everyone's standard of living.

CheekyBastard 7 points ago +8 / -1

Thirteen key indicators go into Lichtman's predition. Those key indicators include:

  • Party mandate - favors GEOTUS
  • No primary contest - favors Commulala
  • Incumbent seeking re-election - favors GEOTUS
  • No third party - favors Commulala
  • Strong short-term economy - favors Commulala
  • Strong long-term economy - favors Commulala
  • Major policy change - favors Commulala
  • No social unrest - favors Commulala
  • No scandal - favors Commulala
  • No foreign or military failure - Toss-up, likely favors GEOTUS
  • Major foreign or military success - Toss-up, likely favors Commulala
  • Charismatic incumbent - favors GEOTUS
  • Uncharismatic challenger - favors Commulala

His analysis says eight of the keys favor Commulala while three do not, with two toss-ups. Reading into this analysis, I don't see how either of the economy indicators go to Commulala. It is the number one issue for most voters and no one is happy about it. Every real economic indicator (not the fudged numbers from the fed.gov) show the economy is in the tank and getting worse. Record number of corporate bankruptcies, jobs numbers dropping, you name it. No primary contest goes to her by default only because she was selected. And the number of people who have walked away from her simply for this reason is significant, which I don't think Lichtman takes into account. And to claim that GEOTUS is an "uncharismatic challenger" is just bunk. I would also go as far as arguing there is a third party, RFKJr and his supporters, that have mostly swung to GEOTUS.

Flip those five keys, and Commulala is at three. GEOTUS is at eight, with two toss-ups.

"Significant issues would have to arise for Democrat to lose in November", Licthman said. I don't think he realizes they already have.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
CheekyBastard 1 point ago +1 / -0

On an Android phone, you can turn on developer options. After doing that, you can manually shutdown the camera and microphone. No idea if anything like this is available on iPhone.

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