Very interesting, I have been worried about making a move with my cellular service to 5G...I will look into getting CoVFeFe magnets...any research articles you could recommend?
If 5G is dangerous it would not matter whether your phone is 5G capable or not, the alleged danger is from the signal itself so whether your phone could utilize 5G or not 5G signals would scramble your cells / brain / whatever regardless. I do not claim to know whether 5G technology is dangerous or not, but this would be my assumption based on the nature of cell signal transmission.
Oh, it's more than that.
Covfefe (although missing an accent somewhere) also means "I will stand/rise" in arabic. It's origin is pre-diluvian Adamites, and trump posted it shortly after the saudi arabia visit. Google took it out of their translator, but at some point they put it back because i translated it nearly a year ago and sent the video to a leftist asshole former friend.
Covfefe could also reference Covid Ferritin/Ferritin. There was an adrenochrome lab/producer right by the wuhan lab. Wormwood reacts with iron to release a ton of free radicals. This would cause those celebs who posted those wacky pics and videos to have all sorts of reactions.
The 5G mainboards themselves have a chip labelled COV (I think with a 19 at the end). Look up Gene Decode Covfefe Blessed to Teach.
This was posted months ago. Seems to make sense.,12%2C%202017%2C%20during%20the%20115th%20United%20States%20Congress.
But that bill died. Perhaps it was only a distraction/cover for what CoVFeFe really is and what it does.
Please research things. Trump tweeted “covfefe” May 31, 2017. This bill was introduced June 2017
Very interesting, I have been worried about making a move with my cellular service to 5G...I will look into getting CoVFeFe magnets...any research articles you could recommend?
If 5G is dangerous it would not matter whether your phone is 5G capable or not, the alleged danger is from the signal itself so whether your phone could utilize 5G or not 5G signals would scramble your cells / brain / whatever regardless. I do not claim to know whether 5G technology is dangerous or not, but this would be my assumption based on the nature of cell signal transmission.
The parts are in the mainboards on the anetannae. Be careful of any hucksters selling Covfefe magnets.
Starlink =5G
Anything in comic sans font is simply not to be believed
Oh, it's more than that. Covfefe (although missing an accent somewhere) also means "I will stand/rise" in arabic. It's origin is pre-diluvian Adamites, and trump posted it shortly after the saudi arabia visit. Google took it out of their translator, but at some point they put it back because i translated it nearly a year ago and sent the video to a leftist asshole former friend.
Covfefe could also reference Covid Ferritin/Ferritin. There was an adrenochrome lab/producer right by the wuhan lab. Wormwood reacts with iron to release a ton of free radicals. This would cause those celebs who posted those wacky pics and videos to have all sorts of reactions.
The 5G mainboards themselves have a chip labelled COV (I think with a 19 at the end). Look up Gene Decode Covfefe Blessed to Teach.
it was said that it was meant to say
media coverage