Yahoo answers as your source... And even in it, it says ancients believed there to be a sphere above us to which the stars were fixed... the ancients knew the earth was flat.
That answer is jsut to make you stop questioning anything... "Oh its too big, we cant see any difference because we are so small"
Why dont you use that little research time to research flat earth? But then again, even you trying to disprove me, still makes you research bits anyway, so its ok by me.
Ancestors. Same people with slaves? Pyramid people? Same people who wanted control? Same people sacrificing the people to their blood God? And it took up to the 17th century before the English with a Spanish captain thought to each other, "let's just lie to the people the Earth is round and we can leave this shit weather."
No need to be a smug little shit about this. Either make your point and dont be a cunt, if you want to have a conversation. Or be a dickhead and fuck off, why even bother talking to a retard that believes that earth is flat?
Get a piece of paper, A4 or whatever, place a dot in the middle, and scatter some dots around the edge of the page... now, the dot in the middle is our solar system, the dots on the left are stars we see during winter nights, the dots on the right are stars we should see during summer nights. Doesnt matter how far they are, they are not the same dots that are on the left side. But you are being told "no it doesnt work that way, the stars are SOOOO far away, that what you see on paper is false"
And, with a little research, an explanation...
Yahoo answers as your source... And even in it, it says ancients believed there to be a sphere above us to which the stars were fixed... the ancients knew the earth was flat.
That answer is jsut to make you stop questioning anything... "Oh its too big, we cant see any difference because we are so small"
Why dont you use that little research time to research flat earth? But then again, even you trying to disprove me, still makes you research bits anyway, so its ok by me.
Ancestors. Same people with slaves? Pyramid people? Same people who wanted control? Same people sacrificing the people to their blood God? And it took up to the 17th century before the English with a Spanish captain thought to each other, "let's just lie to the people the Earth is round and we can leave this shit weather."
No need to be a smug little shit about this. Either make your point and dont be a cunt, if you want to have a conversation. Or be a dickhead and fuck off, why even bother talking to a retard that believes that earth is flat?
Get a piece of paper, A4 or whatever, place a dot in the middle, and scatter some dots around the edge of the page... now, the dot in the middle is our solar system, the dots on the left are stars we see during winter nights, the dots on the right are stars we should see during summer nights. Doesnt matter how far they are, they are not the same dots that are on the left side. But you are being told "no it doesnt work that way, the stars are SOOOO far away, that what you see on paper is false"